“Everything that has a beginning… needs a start!”Right hand bottom corner of my screen shows 6:08AM IST, Wednesday, May 21, 2008. This is an auspicious time to start the first blog in my life.
Milestones of this blog
This blog was started humbly as a personal design blog at antzFx.Wordpress.com.
The tagline was « My world | My Dreams »
The title of the first blog post is a modified version of ‘The Matrix: Revolutions’ tagline “Everything that has a beginning has an end.”
I set five goals in this first blog post. They were:
- I need a portfolio with a lot of shameless self promotional stuff.
- I need to learn Auto CAD, 3dsMax and SolidWorks.
- Well, I learned SolidWorks.
- I need to improve my English.
- I think I improved a lot.
- I need to buy a Notebook PC.
- I bought an hp Notebook PC in August, 2008.
- I need to decide where to study the ‘Master in Design’ Course.
- I joined Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and will be finishing the M.Des. Course within a couple of months.
This blog was moved from wordpress.com to a subdomain of antzFx.com. The blog was re-named as designpuli.com. The tagline is changed to “design blog of antzFx.com”
Silently, the blog got graduated from a subdomain to an independent domain of designpuli.com. Now the tagline is “You have seen nothing yet!”
We are celebrating the second anniversary of this blog in style. First time ever, we have roped in three guest authors to write about Character Designing, Product Photography and Photography Tips. First time ever, we are posting three blog entries on a single day.
Vital Statistics
- 66 posts (including this)
- 45,665 Pageviews
- Most viewed blog post: Design — Calendar 2009
- Most searched keyword: calendar design
- Busiest day: 22-Apr-2010 on which majority of the traffic came to: Design – Logo for CyberPark Kozhikode
- Google Page Rank: 3
- IndiBlogger Rank: 74 out of 100
What next?
This blog mainly features the design stories of antzFx.com. But from today onwards, you will be treated with more guest posts on various fields of design.
Dear reader,
Thank you very much for your continued support. We love to hear your comments.
antzFx, FULLfx | Team antzFx.com
KUDOS……… Anaska………. for the non stop blogging in the past 2 years.
expecting more enthralling and blomblasting blogs in the future
Best wishes.
Good luck for the next two years, Anaska, and all that follows.
Keep it up…. u are Awesome
hey AnasKA, congratulations for completing 2 years successfully. You have set a great source of inspiration for me! 🙂