Tutorial – Portfolio Design


“How can I make a good portfolio?”

A designer cannot survive without a portfolio. I decided to do an exploration in internet to find an answer to the above question. After several days of burning the midnight oil, I found many resources in web.
I compiled them neatly and made a presentation file.

On 30-March-2009, I presented ‘PORTFOLIO – A Quick Start Guide’ to my friends at CPDM. The main presentation took 30 minutes to finish. An informative discussion followed and some interesting ideas came up.


You can download the presentation ‘PORTFOLIO – A Quick Start Guide’ from here (PDF, 1.98MB).

All the websites I referred are acknowledged in the presentation. The copyright of the text and images rests with the original owners. Thank you.

I hope that this Quick Start Guide will be helpful to you.

Software: Microsoft PowerPoint, Photoshop, GIMP
Design Dates:
PPT — 23-March-2009
Promotional Poster — 24-March-2009