I first came to know about ‘Adobe’ in the year 1998 when I saw my friend editing a scanned copy of my logo doodle for our inter-college arts festival. He was using Adobe Photoshop 5.0 on a Windows 95 desktop PC. Although I was a Microsoft Paint expert then, the layers and ‘Feathering’ options in Photoshop attracted me and eventually I learned the software by myself in the year 2000.
I learned Adobe Photoshop 5.0 and Macromedia Flash 4.0 by installing trial versions from CDs that came with ‘Photoshop 5 for Dummies’ and ‘Flash 4 Bible.’ At that time, I never had a clue that one day, I will earn a living using Adobe tools and live happily as a UX designer! 🙂
‘Adobe turns 40!’ Logo Animation
Adobe Systems Inc. was founded in December, 1982 and this month the company is celebrating its 40 years anniversary. Adobe has their own logo commemorating this occasion; but that didn’t stop me to design my own version!
The logo logic is quite simple: I just added a couple of strokes and a ‘zero’ to the Adobe logo and it is transformed to a ’40.’

The animation video is created in Microsoft PowerPoint. It was a simple transition from black background to white while ‘masking’ the logo inverse transition! Then a ‘fly in’ animation of the elements revealed the new ’40’ logo. A sinister (!) background music with two audio effects (switch turning on and three low frequency beats) constituted the entire audio design of the video. As always, the video sounds best on a headphone.