Some days are just like that. A situation arrives and you have to deliver the design fast — really fast, within minutes. Today I am sharing the design story of a poster for the cricket team ‘Throttlers.’
Cricket Premier League
The company, where I work now, organized a cricket tournament ‘OPL’ in the last weekend. 12 teams, representing various business groups, participated. ‘Throttlers’ is the team from my business group. They are the defending champions. Although they reached the finals, they lost the cup to the rivals by 3 runs.
Media Blitzkrieg
Two-three days before the match, all the teams except our ‘Throttlers,’ started a media war. Logos were created, posters were made, FaceBook fan pages were registered, Ringtones were offered for subscription and team videos with theme music were uploaded in YouTube. I was also told to be ready to design a poster, in-case we win.
But we lost the finals and became the “OPL Runner’s Up.” On Monday morning, I rushed to design a poster that exhibits a ‘never-say-die’ attitude.
Design Specifications

The mast head reads “We are second to none. Wait till 2012…” This clearly translated the idea that ‘Throttlers’ are in second place now; but will regain the cup in the very next chance.
The fonts used are Serena — for the mast head/ body copy, Rosewood Std. — for the logotype and Bernard MT Condensed — for the tagline. To create the ‘Throttlers’ wordmark, Victorian Style Photoshop Brush by DiaMara is used.
I hope you liked the poster.
Design Date: 13-June-2011