Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


Here is where I study design. IISc Bangalore Campus is beautiful and most of the photos I took so far are from there. Last month, Google conducted a contest for students known as ‘iGoogle Photography Competition.’ Five photographs have to be submitted in the pixel sizes specified by Google. If  I win, these photos will be converted into iGoogle Themes. The photos given above  were my submissions to Google under the theme — ‘My College.’
Following are the original photos that are taken on 11-Dec-2008 at the campus of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. And, I use a 2006 model OLYMPUS SP-500UZ Camera.

Statue of the founder J N Tata in front of IISc Main Building. He is holding a replica of the main building in his left hand.
A view of the main tower from the campus
The foot-over bridge in the campus
Light and shadows on the walls of Choksy Hall
Bricks on the walkway

More photos of the campus are available here. And, I didn’t win the iGoogle competition.

Are you a student joining IISc Bangalore in August, 2009?

A few tips that may help you in the first couple of days are compiled here, just click to download (PDF, 82KB). These are based on the last year’s (2008) procedures. Deviations may happen. I strongly recommend this blog — IISc Life — to know more about the campus and happenings there.