A couple of days ago, my friend forwarded me a poster announcing a ‘name and logo competition’ organized by a Government backed entity. The underlying message is ‘women empowerment’ and I first thought about incorporating a woman’s face in the logo.
At the spur of the moment, I started the design with a ‘heart’ doodle, then it slowly transformed as the letter ‘യു’ (Yu) in Malayalam.

The doodling was done in the GoodNotes iPad App. I could have used ProCreate, but GoodNotes was already open in my iPad as it is my default note taking app. But the doodling app doesn’t matter much as its only purpose is to catch and convert the concept pretty fast into a digital format. The final versions of all my logo designs are always finished in Photoshop on a PC.
‘Yu’ slowly became ‘യുവ’ (Yuva). Since there are so many ‘Yuva’s out there, I ended up modifying the name to ‘യുവത’ (Yuvatha) meaning ‘Youth.’

I could expand the logo design ‘Yu’ into a matching logotype for ‘Yuvatha’ as well. To tell the story of the logo concept, I quickly created a short animation video.
Background Music Credits: Uplifting Piano by LesFM. Music promoted by Chosic. Creative Commons CC BY 3.0 License.

Colored and monochrome versions of the logotype are created for different background situations.

A couple of quick mockups were created and I sent the work for a review to two of my friends. Both of them gave me some very good observations. Since all were positive feedback, I submitted this logo to the competition without wasting much time.

I don’t think I will win the logo competition. Irrespective of the outcome, this design journey was a very quick one and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.
This positivity is all that matters!