On August 15, 2011 we are celebrating Indian Independence Day. To commemorate the occasion, we are releasing ‘Vande Mataram’ Desktop Calendar/Wallpaper.
Download links and a brief on the design are given below.
Download Links for Desktop Wallpaper/Calendar

‘Vande Mataram’ wallpaper with calendar (August and September 2011)
Click here to download in 1920 X 1200 pixels (JPG, 486KB)
Click here to download in 1280 X 800 pixels (JPG, 319KB)
‘Vande Mataram’ wallpaper (No calendar)
Click here to download in 1920 X 1200 pixels (JPG, 435KB)
Click here to download in 1280 X 800 pixels (JPG, 280KB)
Design Notes

Barun Patro shared the following image that formed the basis of the Calendar Wallpaper design. Thank you very much, Barun!

I recolored the three bright ribbons to the tricolor. I feathered around the central light source and deleted that part forming a gradual transparency at the centre. I placed this image on top of the first image.

I prepared on more layer with a feathered central light source. This time, I applied ‘Inverse Selection’ an deleted the selected parts. Now I got a transparent layer with only the central light. I stacked this on top of the other two layers.

When I merged all the three layers, I got the present, final image that shows an aurora and tricolor ribbons. Simple, isn’t it?

‘Quadranta’ font is used for ‘Vande Mataram.’ The calendar is created using ‘Constantia’ font.
That’s it! Awaiting your comments…
Happy Independence Day!
Design date: 03-Aug-2011
Thank You antzFx for the featuring our work 🙂 Cheers !