Year Planner is a Single Sheet Calendar
“This time, we will design and print an year planner for our organization. Well, are you volunteering?”
This is my Creative Director talking to me in the last week of December, 2010. I thought: “Why not? After all, an year planner is nothing but a single sheet calendar with some boxes to write notes.”
Armed with a Google image search, I started the design.
Jerry and Cheese
‘CheeseCare‘ is the name of the organization and we generally place images of cheese in all corporate communication. I started with a cheese, then I came to a mouse chewing it and then a punchline emerged out of nowhere: “CheeseCare: We use mouse to carve out design.” I decided to add a computer mouse somewhere in this line.
Design Decisions
This is the draft version I submitted for review. Click here to download (1280×800 px; 256KB) When this is approved, I shall update the latest version here.
- Yellow Color: I took the inspiration from Yellow Post-It notes.
- 2011 is not mentioned anywhere because I wanted to increase the shelf-life of the planner. So, you can probably use it till the world ends in 2012!
- Since year planners are stuck on walls above eye-level, I thought that placing the names of months at the bottom of the sheet will be better.

- Care is taken to color alternative columns differently to assist easy reading. The same rule applies to weekdays and weekends.
- Fonts used: ‘League Script’ for the punch line with a ‘Wingdings 2’ computer mouse; ‘Helvetica Neue Bold Condensed’ for the calendar; ‘Baskerville Old face’ for the website address. “Design Matters” came with the logo and the font is ‘Hand of Sean.’
- Image Courtesy — ‘Mouse’ by Galina Puzyrna, Ukraine. Thank you for the comical illustration.
That’s it! What do you think of this ‘yellow planner’?
This is great., I loved it.
I’m going to take a print out of it and stick it to my wall !!
@Sunad: The actual design is in A2 paper size that can be printed and pasted.
But the file shared here is a low resolution one intended to be used as a desktop wallpaper. I am not sure how will it look in print.
Where can i get the A2 size one ?
I can share that, but not now. Let me first secure the required permissions. Will get back to you after a couple of days.
Sure, Take your time, Thank you.